The museum is open Sundays from 1:00 to 4:00 June-September
Museum Admission is Free!!
Our Museum features two buildings filled with articles from around Calumet County that features things that hard working people used every day to make life just a little easier
By Stuart W. Sanders Director of Research and Collections Kentucky Historical Society
First published at
Sometimes it pays to be a more lucky than good. In January 2021, we stumbled on a social media post about Captain Hiram Gibbs, who lived in Forest Junction, written by Civil War author Stuart W. Sanders. It was first published at Mr. Sanders is the chief research officer for the Kentucky Historical Society.
"These two murals display the rich cultural heritage of Calumet County. They are dense with both history and art. Each features real historical photos and events that are important to Chilton and Stockbridge history. "
James Barany, the lead artist and the designer of this project
Stockbridge Mural
AI Website Creator