The Calumet County Historical Society

The museum is open Sundays from 1:00 to 4:00 June-September
Museum Admission is Free!!

Our Museum features two buildings filled with articles from around Calumet County that features things that hard working people used every day to make life just a little easier 

Save the Date!
Open House 2025
June 8th, 2025

One Month and Nineteen Days:
The Tragic Service of Captain Hiram Gibbs

By Stuart W. Sanders Director of Research and Collections Kentucky Historical Society 

First published at 

Sometimes it pays to be a more lucky than good. In January 2021, we stumbled on a social media post about Captain Hiram Gibbs, who lived in Forest Junction, written by Civil War author Stuart W. Sanders. It was first published at Mr. Sanders is the chief research officer for the Kentucky Historical Society.  


Old Chilton Film 1938

Here is a historic film the Chilton Kiwanis Club commissioned in order to show what Chilton and the surrounding areas were like in 1938. In nearly 90 minutes of film you will see people living a typical, small town life as it was lived just before World War II. It is hard to know if the Kiwanis of 1938 knew what they were doing to preserve Chilton history, but we do know that the Kiwanis of 1999 knew what they were doing when they spent their time and money to research the people and events in the film. They then added narration to the original silent film to bring it up -to-date for VHS and DVD copies. In 2015 many of these same Kiwanis members made another important decision to allow the Calumet County Historical Society to bring this film to you by way of our Website.

Watch it here

The Calumet County Mural Initiative

"These two murals display the rich cultural heritage of Calumet County. They are dense with both history and art. Each features real historical photos and events that are important to Chilton and Stockbridge history. "    

                                                James Barany, the lead artist and the designer of this project

See More here


Chilton Mural


Stockbridge Mural

It's really as simple as being a greeter or if you choice maybe
just a little more!

   There are a whole lot of worthy places where you can spend your precious spare time during the summer and we would like you to consider helping us at the Calumet County Historical Society Museum. We are looking for volunteer help on Sundays from 1-4 just to help us be available to our visitors on our large property.
   It really is as simple as being a greeter from 1 to 4 on Sunday afternoons this summer.
   You will be with a seasoned Historical Society member and your only task is really just to help us be available to our guests and to monitor our 2 buildings. If you like to stay busy and if visits are low we have other tasks but we’d be just as happy if you just explored out 2 buildings; feel free to bring your family and explore with them!
   We are a 100% volunteer organization and we have a museum that has free admission and that makes people that are willing to donate just a few hours priceless. Our membership, financials and museums visits have been growing but the people willing to help on Sundays has been a real struggle. We are going to change that this year.
   If you would like to give us a hand please call Terry 920-849-4042 or Mike 920-216-7461 and of course you can email us at
Please consider helping us a Sunday or two this summer. Your help will make a difference!
Calumet County Historical Society Museum

Map to Our Museum

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